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Okay, this is it! After thinking a thousand times, I have finally made a decision that I will be doing a continuation review of my previous post about the Ishigaki Plus Premium Glutathione Blend. And, of course the most requested the before and after photos. I have been browsing my phone for me able to find photos and luckily I found some.

Ishigaki plus before and after

‎January ‎2, ‎2015, ‏‎3:36:54 PM ~ Took this photo a few days before taking the Ishigaki Plus Premium Glutathione Blend. I didn’t wear make-up, just moisturizing cream, powder and tinted pink lip balm. As you can notice that I have uneven skin tone on my neck.

Ishigaki plus before and after

‎February ‎11, ‎2015, ‏‎4:48:10 PM ~ After a month of using the product. Took this photo with no powder on it, that’s why I look so pale.

Ishigaki plus before and after

‎March ‎8, ‎2015, ‏‎4:10:04 PM ~ Two months after using the Ishigaki Plus Premium Glutathione Blend. Just like the first photo I used only moisturizing cream, powder and tinted lip balm, but as you can notice there is improvement especially in the neck area.

You probably noticed that there is a dark spot between my cheeks and chin, that’s one of my uneven skin tone that I got from radiation therapy. I also have a few lines on my neck and I am happy to say that they are fading. Yippie!

For those who are asking were I bought this and how much. I bought the product at Avery Store for only 700Php each. I believe that they are selling the cheapest, yet authentic supplements in the market. Please do check their website because if you want to buy more there is a big discount.

That’s it! My short and honest review about Ishigaki Plus Premium Glutathione Blend. I am happy with the result of taking this product. It wasn’t my intention to have fairer skin tone, but to my overall wellness. I will definitely use this product continuously.

Please note that I am not paid or affiliated with the product neither with Avery Store.

What do you think about Ishigaki Plus Premium Glutathione Blend? Would you like to consider to try, as your supplement?

Beauty and Wellness,


Being nourished is beautiful.